This is where you order your recording of your Spiritual Name Analysis
BUY Flash Drive or DVD HERE $21.00

Download The 106 Live Radio App - We are on the air every Sunday 4 - 5pm Eastern Standard Time doing Power-In-Names.

What's in the depths of your God given name?
Could you imagine a world with out names? What would we call places, things or objects? What would we call each other? How would we communicate? Names carry powerful meanings to them. The question is are we living out our name sake?
What is Power-In-Names and Spiritual Name Analysis?
Through the Holy Spirit we have the ability to enrich peoples lives by revealing the power in and giving them awareness of their God given name. Every person needs to know their purpose and identity in the Body of Christ. Your name is a powerful tool as you develop and grow in Christ. The two major gifts you will experience after we speak over your name are prophecy and word of knowledge. The other 7 gifts of the spirit can operate while doing your names. On the average it takes 8 to 12 minutes to do a name. You will have a better understanding with confirmation toward your destiny in life.

A powerful tool for
todays Christians. It's your Season,
Purpose, Identity in these Last Days.
The question is are we living out our
NAME sake?
Power in your NAME.

Real Life International Mission, Inc.

Evangelists Dr. Curtis & Bobbie Minter

Schedule For P.I.N. Gathering Today

You should have your name
done every 6 months or at
lease once a year because we
go through different season's
of our life. Every time we do it
it's a right now word.